

{a little holiday cheer in my home.}

It’s been a battle for Christmas cheer this week, and while it was a tight race – Christmas cheer is winning! I’ve been a little under the weather the last couple of weeks and am now on antibiotics; so naturally, things have been slightly off and Scrooge was pushing his way through to say the least. I’ve managed to keep things festive over the last few crappy (then medicated-infused) days and indulge in the holiday spirit. The best way to do that I found, was to watch tons of holiday movies, listen to lots of Christmas music, and focus on the fact that 10 days from now – my boyfriend and I are heading up North for Christmas for a week. I’m looking forward to the change of scenery and the drive (well, because I get to sit and look out the window for 6 hours).

I have to say, last weekend in particular, was especially helpful in keeping my spirits bright when I was feeling my crappiest. My boyfriend brought me a little something to decorate my place (this adorable wreath) to give my humble abode the smell of Christmas since I decided to forego a Christmas Tree this year, along with In-N-Out and my favorite candy. He sat with me all weekend, watched Holiday movies and took really good care of me. I have to give him a special shout-out! Finally, I’m looking forward to a full recovery over the weekend. Who-hoo!

And since last weekend found me trying to lay low and rest (which is not necessarily easy for me do in general), I’ll have to spend some time this weekend catching up on life. This includes laundry (like desperately), grocery shopping, and finally getting around to getting that estimate on my car (full story here).

And in case you want to know…

My Prescription for Holiday Cheer

* Love Actually
* The Holiday
* The Family Stone
* Mr. Bean’s Holiday (which isn’t a Christmas-themed movie, but boy did those silly antics keep me entertained for an hour and a half!)

* Duh, to my Spotify Holiday Hits Mixtape.



Have a great weekend!